
Our Approach to Farming

About Us

Responsible and Transparent

We have always taken pride in what we have grown and how we have grown it. We are advocates for growing crops in a manner that is responsible to the land and the consumer. We don't have all of the answers, but we are always learning. We feel good about our practices. We implement organic methods, conserve water, try to minimize inputs into the farm as we are constantly trying to improve our sustainability. We take as many cues from nature as possible, encouraging beneficial plants and insects to do as much work as they can.  In the end, we are completely transparent in what we do and how we think it impacts the land.

After 7 years of growing fruits, vegetables and herbs for markets and restaurants on our property just south of Yountville, we decided to move to Sonoma County at the end of 2017. Since then, we have been doing consulting and work on small farm and garden projects in the area.

We enjoy sharing what we have learned along with novel ideas to create unique spaces. We are open to collaborating on creating something new or improving an existing site.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, we don't update it as often as we should, but you can keep up-to-date by following us on Facebook or Instagram .